Chapter 1
Part II
Let’s begin with what the stones you previously called “portable rock art” aren’t. They are not rocks that someone picked up and pecked or flinted. In fact many of these rocks aren’t rocks at all. As it relates to many of these stones, the word manufactured would be more apropos. Not only that, many of them were made to specifically mimic broken, fractured, or damaged rocks. In addition, those that are actual stones were shaped absent flinting or pecking. I’m getting ahead of myself, so let’s return to topic, lol.

I guess bird really is the word when it comes to this piece. This isn’t just any bird however, it may be one of humankind’s first artistic representations of a fabled firebird. Not to be confused with the latter manifestations of a firebird among Native American tribes, this bird has a meaning all its own. The large rounded white limestone that comprises the bird’s eye also serves to express the stone’s meaning. In this, and various other stones, the color white is utilized to represent intense heat. The same type of intense heat that would accompany a seriously hot fire. As for the primary symbol that I’ve highlighted in red, it too conveys the meaning of intense heat. In fact it was no doubt the source.
Why not “portable rock art”? Well, many of these stones are in excess of 5lbs. Some weigh as much as 20lbs or greater. Unless the stories of giants are real (we’ll get to that later too), a 20lb stone isn’t too portable for the average human. 🤔. What I have discovered (after almost 40 years), as it relates to these stones, is a story that only I can tell. That’s precisely why I am The Father of Perspective Stones. Why me? It’s not that I chose the role of chronicler, far from it. It’s simply because I did what had to be done, apply the scientific method as a basis of research. Real science is based on fact. To me it was akin to what Denzel Washington said in the movie “Training Day”, “…it’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove”. With similar thought in mind, I fully believed that there had to be a defined system and context in which to view these stones. Therefore, I set out to prove it. With an abundance of time and effort the key, so to speak, was found and with it I was able to unlock a treasure box that for countless years had been hidden. Once that was done it all made perfect sense. The stones made perfect sense.

This stone is similar to the previous piece in several respects. To start, it has a large white limestone centerpiece for an eye and visually it represents a bird. In addition, the back of the stone is the same muted brown color. What’s different is the size, the look, and the feel of the stone. Whereas the firebird stone has well defined lines, this stone has a jagged, spiked, and fractured appearance. Also, the firebird stone was relatively smooth to the touch. This stone, not so much. It still has edges sharp enough to draw blood. Ouch! The primary symbol embedded in this piece is hiding in plain view. I’m sure you missed it. Why did you miss it? Simple. Because you didn’t know to look for it, lol. Don’t worry 😉, I got you. What does this irregular pentagon shape have to do with anything? Here’s a hint; it’s cosmic!
There is a history of the planet that has long since been forgotten. It’s a story that was once told around the world. These stones are a testament to that story and the people that created them. Why did they do it? To ensure that a record was kept of a life changing event that effected the entire planet. The people that created these stones were no doubt the parent civilization in the Americas that scholars have long searched for. Their existence is what made latter civilizations in the Americas possible. The knowledge they had was beyond what we know. Their importance in the time-line of human events cannot be overstated because it was they that came Before the Olmec.
This ends chapter 1. Did you learn something new? Of course you did. 😉. I look forward to you coming back! If you really liked what you have seen and read so far, SHARE this site with others. Next post Chapter 2 part I.