“All the stuff you don’t know can make a new world”.
Old southern African-American adage. Origin unknown.
Chapter 1
Part I
What’s In a Name or The Father Is Here!
Many long years have passed since I found my first stone. Since then I’ve patiently awaited while others were catching on. As they were I was excited, but still I waited. When folks started to seriously look at these ancient art masterpieces they began to call them portable rock art, for lack of a better term. The name didn’t matter to me. I was just happy that others decided to believe their own eyes, so I waited. Thousands of people around the planet have been finding these stones, but academics still ignore them. At times I would feel bad reading stories online about how archaeologist told people they were just seeing faces that weren’t there. Their disappointment was palpable because I had once heard the exact words. Still, I said and did nothing because there was one specific thing that I was waiting for.
For many years I waited for those like me, Finders of the Stones, to fully comprehend what they had been finding. It was my greatest hope that others would begin to understand that these stones are more than what they have been labeled. I feel now may be the time to tell them and them world what they truly are. Why now? Simply stated, slowly but surely, some folks are starting to figure it out. They know that there is more to these stones than what’s already been articulated. Even more, they’ve began to think about who really made them. I know how they feel. For more years than I care to count I was just like them. That is why I’m about to provide insight and meaning to these stones that will astonish and amaze both them and you. But, first I offer you love.

As Simple as they may seem, these heart-shaped stones inspired two serious questions for me. Why didn’t they have one standard shape and size? Did the heart shape have the same symbolic meaning to them as it does to modern society? What do you think?
What some call “portable rock art” should instead be called Perspective Stones because that’s what these expertly created stones are. Depending on one’s viewpoint, frame of reference, or mindset a person looking at these stones will see different things. The angles from which viewed, variations in lighting or distance, the stone being wet vs. dry all contribute to creating multiple images and perspectives for each stone. Each perspective is valid and precisely as the makers intended. But alas, I’m “preaching to the choir” to the thousands of people around the world that have found these stones. So, since the intent is not to regurgitate things that you have read or been told, I will present to you things you have never seen and have never been told.

No where else in the Americas has a keyhole shaped stone like this been found. It’s implications immense. Its symbolism profound. Clearly this stone wasn’t flinted or pecked. How then was this fine detail and precision attained? Years of practice no doubt. What primitive tools could create such a delicate piece? In a word, none. What’s more, there are no tool marks! Then there’s the why? My research leads me to believe that a group of natural (sacred?) springs in the area may have been the motivation. The symbol the springs form, when viewed from the air, is identical to what archeologists have dubbed the “keyhole pendant” in Saudi Arabia. Coincidence? Highly unlikely. Could the keyhole symbol have had the same meaning in ancient Saudi Arabia and the ancient Americas? Undoubtedly yes.

Image credit: Courtesy APAAME, APAAME_20171027_DLK-0891
Now, I know one expertly crafted stone is just that, one stone. Still, you have to admit that it is one heck of a stone! However, since “seeing is believing”, this next piece is well worth the view.

In stark contrast to the rigid lines of the keyhole stone, this piece has elegant flowing lines. Closer examination reveals just how special this piece is with its hollow core. It reminds you of hand blown glass but, this is stone. There are no tool marks! I don’t know the symbolism of this piece, but its creator was masterful.
Next to make its worldwide debut is a stone amongst stones. This piece is so compelling that after years of being skeptical my mother began to somewhat believe in my research. She stopped telling me to stay out of the woods 😂 and told me I should teach. Well, mama I’m teaching the best way I know how.

As if being almost perfectly circular wasn’t enough, this stone also has a tripod for its base. The long black gouge isn’t damage to the stones surface, it was intentional and a part of the stone’s overall design. This stone, like many others, was made to look broken. 🤯 BOOM!!!
I sincerely hope you have enjoyed what you have seen and read thus far. If so please continue to follow this blog. Thanks ☺. Next post: Chapter 1 PART II